Singapore Society for Hand Surgery
UEN: S81SS0080G

IFSSH 2028 Singapore
The Singapore Society for Hand Surgery (SSHS) has been successful in the bid to host the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH) Congress in 2028.
Singapore is one of only 3 countries in the world where there is a dedicated training programme in Hand Surgery. Pioneer Hand Surgeons in Singapore like Pesi Chacha, Robert Pho and Teoh Lam Chuan were actively involved in the growth of this specialty in the Asia-Pacific region and have trained numerous hand surgeons who have returned to their home countries to establish flourishing hand surgery units. As their successors, we hope to build upon their legacy and further develop hand surgery in Singapore and beyond.
Our theme for the meeting is "Towards Sustainable Hand Surgery and Therapy", with our Congress Mascot "手" (Shou), Singapore's unofficial National Bird, the Crimson Sunbird.
The meeting will be held at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre and the SSHS takes great pleasure in inviting all of you to join us in the sunny and vibrant city of Singapore!